Sunday, October 05, 2014

The Terrible Tyrant - Schleich's Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Hi all!

The Amateur Collector here with a none-Pokémon related update!
"*GASP* Blasphemy!" I hear you cry. Calm down calm down, I'll have an update for that up soon.

For today, I want to show off my first Schleich dinosaur toy (as far as I'm aware). Of course I had to start with the king of kings, the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

I bought this toy in a regular toy store that was part of a sort of supermarket/mall hybrid in Guangzhou. It was quite expensive, about 200 RMB, that's about £18 roughly. This figure is available in most countries, generally around that price range. In the UK it goes for between £16-£20, so it's not like I got "ripped off" by because it was an important item or anything.

This T-Rex is from a collection known as "World of History" by Schleich. This is the 2012 sculpt. There is in fact 2014 sculpt out at the moment which looks more or less the same except for a few tweeks and a recolour.

The 2014 re-sculpt is of a light green colour, whereas this one is a dark green - which I personally prefer and why I chose it over the new one. In having said that though, there appears to be some other recolours going around on the market that look pretty sweet. I have not seen them myself but I'll link you to some pictures of them via the Dinotoyblog: The light green version, the gold version and the red stripy version. (Heads up: the two last links lead to the Dinotoyblog forum, you might need to scroll down the thread a little to find the images).

Now, lets take a closer look at this guy!
First thing's first. This guy is pudgy. I get the impression his body has been compacted slightly, perhaps to help with balance. The toy does have a big head and I can tell that the feet have been made bigger to help with the balancing, so who knows, maybe the rest of the body had to be modified for this reason too. It's not an issue to be honest, but it is obvious when you compare it to the more long, streamlined looking iterations of this animal in today's toys and media.

The paint job looks cool, it's not a dreary brown or grey, but it's not a vibrant explosion of colours either. A simple dark green, with yellow spots (for some reason), browns and yellow highlights. As a mentioned above, not as exciting as some of the recolours but in my opinion a lot better than the light green version.

Along with the stocky look and yellow spots they decided to give it a collection of very odd spots starting bellow the eyes, circling them almost and ending on its forehead. Why they did this when there is no evidence to suggest the T-rex had anything like this in real life I don't know. Maybe it's to highlight the scowl it seems to have.

For some reason they decided to give it an explosion of acne around the face and neck. Dino puberty? 

On the subject of accuracy; there is quite a bit wrong with this fella. I am by no stretch of the imagination a paleontologist - not even an amateur -  but I do know that this guy's hands are facing the wrong way. They should be facing inwards. There's also a distinct lack of feathers of any kind. 
These are not actually criticisms that bug me in any large way, the toy is just going by what the mainstream idea of what a dinosaur looks like. There are probably thousands of other inaccuracies that I can't identify that no one aside from an expert would really care about.

The toy itself is made of a hard plastic. It is not posable in anyway except for its mouth, that can open and shut. It's a toy that is clearly designed to look good and allow a kids imagination to do all the actual moving with. From my point of view as a collector, I have no problems with this. Its static pose makes it look more natural, like a moment caught on picture. It means it also lacks any visible seams, aside from the one connecting the neck and head/movable jaw.

Despite its pudgy build and unexciting colour pallet, I do overall like it. Its sculpt it very detailed, especially that mouth! (just look at its tongue), the paint is well applied and it stands upright perfectly well by itself. It's not the most accurate or dynamic of rex toys out there, but it's a cool addition to any collection. Unless you really don't like chicken feet, then avoid this one at all costs!

That's this little look at my first Schleich dino over, hope you enjoyed it! I'll try to update more often with more random collectables and Pokemon TCG stuff, of course.
Cya round!

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