Tuesday, March 11, 2014

I'm back! And I've brought company (miniature movable 3-D Dino puzzle)

Hi all!

I'm back after a long leave of absence, and with a few collectables to make up for that.

Before I start sharing a few cool collectables I've acquired recently, I'd like to explain why I was gone for so long. Although I mentioned in my last post that I was not going to be able to come on often if at all, I never gave much details as to why other than "I'm going to be abroad". Well, I am abroad and working. specifically as a teacher in Guangzhou, China.

You may or may not know this, but Youtube, Blogger and various other video, blog and social sites in China are blocked. This is the main reason I was not able to maintain any blog or video updates. That as well as the fact that Pokémon merchandise is not sold out here, at least not legally and unlikely in English. So that made any Pokémon TCG Opening Adventuring plans impossible.
On the plus side, I have a VPN so I'll now be able to access certain websites including youtube/blogger, and I'm in Guangzhou - the manufacturing heart of the world. If there is one place to randomly come across cheap collectables this is the place. In having said that though, Geekdom is even more niche out here than in most other countries (which is saying something cause lets face it, it's very niche even in West despite growing mainstream acceptance) so don't expect that many updates.

Anyways, enough babbling and back to collecting. Here is the first collectable I bought in China; a 3-D dinosaur puzzle!!

This is a puzzle I found in a small quirky store in Shenzhen's Children's Palace mall. There were several different puzzles to get including Tyrannosaurus, a gorilla, a rhino, a Xenomorph from Alien, some zombies from an app game I've never played (sorry totally blanking on the title), etc. I opted to go for a Triceratops. This little brute (now named Lil' Dude) cost me 25 RMB, that roughly £2.50 which isn't bad at all. I'm not in a position to translate the name of this product right now, but I can at least spot a "Vv Life" (I'll more into this as I buy more of these puzzles.)

As you can see from the image on the packaging it's not just a 3-D puzzle, but a kinetic one at that! It walks! 

Now let me admit, I'm rubbish at complicated puzzles and this was not made easy by the small parts and a very, very tiny little basic instruction manual. The manual was literally the size of one of those supermarket receipts you get at the checkout till.
So many incy wincy peaces!

After about an hour of squinting at the manual and putting everything together I finally finished and ended up with this handsome fella:

(sorry for the poor picture quality)

Handsome fella indeed, but there is a catch. He can't walk properly. For what ever reason the little motor doesn't get the dinosaur moving, no matter how much you wind it up. It's a real shame, but considering I got this for such a low price (I bet this would cost twice the amount back in the UK) I can't complain too much.

Overall I'm happy with this guy and hope to continue the collection. I think I'll focus on the 3-D dinosaurs first, then the animals and work my way up to the Xenomorph.

Well I'll end this here. Glad to be back and hope to make more of an appearance. Till next time!

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