Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Landorus Promotional Blister Pack - End Chapter

Hi all!

The Amateur Collector here and welcome to my last merchandise opening for Pokémon TCG Opening (Season 1). To wrap up this fun journey I opened up a Plasma Freeze Triple Blister Pack - Landorus. To check out the video click here.

Here's the pack, which I bought on ebay for £9.99. A little pricy but the postage was free so over all not bad, especially since this is a ridiculously hard blister pack to come across, either being out of stock or very expensive:

And here's what you are guaranteed to get in the pack, aside from the three Plasma Freeze booster packs of course:
A Team Plasma's Landorus (Therian Form) BW79 promo card and a Team Plasma coin, which has the same design as the one I got from the Team Plasma Box but a different colour.

And here are the 'prizes' I got from the booster packs:
I got a lovely holographic Reshiram, a rare Team Plasma's Weavil, a rare Team Plasma's Steelix and a reverse-holo Team Plasma's Muk. So four rare cards out of 3 blister packs, not bad.

So I'm pretty happy with the blister pack, I got a really cool promo card and a bunch of rare cards that I never had before! (I thought some might be doubles but it turns out I was wrong.)

Aaaaaaaaand that's it, my journey has ended. I'll do one last post to wrap up my experience as a whole, but for now I will say this was a lot of fun and I certainly plan to -and indeed will- do again. Indeed I already have some merchandise stockpiled for a Pokémon TCG Opening Adventures Season 2. But I won't be getting round to doing this for about 6 to 12 months because I will be moving abroad to work for that time period, so it'll be rather hard to do this at the same time due to lack of youtube access, official Pokémon TCG merchandise and time. Hopefully that means it'll build up a lot of suspense haha.
I won't be totally gone from this blog though, I still plan to update on occasion about other passions of mine if possible so make sure to stick around.

But for now- thanks for the viewership, I'm happy that people were willing to view, subscribe and comment on my videos, to be there along with me on this journey. I hope it was as much fun for you as it was for me.

Thank you and until next time!

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