Wednesday, October 02, 2013

3 x EX-Series Booster Packs - Catching Up on Old Times (part 1)

Hi all!

Amateur Collector here and for today's blog I have the first part of two of an opening of old booster packs. I bought 6 booster packs off a seller on ebay for £13.52, three of them were from the EX-Series, the other three from Diamond & Pearl. I've recently discovered that the seller's account was shut down for some dubious reason, but the cards don't seem fake to me (they pass all the tests I know)... I'm not expert of course, but hopefully they're not!
Anyways, today we'll be focusing on the Ex-Series which I was really excited about opening. I got out of the Pokémon TCG around the time e-Cards were being introduced. Aside from a handful of booster packs I bought out of curiosity several years back (and some singles I got as part of bundles) I've not opened any Ex-Series booster packs at all, so it'll be interesting to see what kind of cards I get.
So the three booster packs I opened were from various sets; one Ex-Legend Makers, one Ex-Holon Phantoms and one Ex-Power Keepers.
Click here if you want to see the video of these packs being opened on my channel.
These are the booster packs.

And here's what I got!
I only got one holo out of three booster packs, but that at least proves to me these weren't weighed (whether they're fake is another issue I'll have to look into more deeply). I got a Metal Energy in the Ex-Power Keepers booster pack, a jolly Wobbuffet in the Ex-Legend Makers and two rares in the Ex-Holon Phantoms pack, the reverse-holo Zangoose and a very beautiful holographic δ-Species Vileplume. I really like the holo pattern on these Holon cards, it's nice they tried something so new and different.

Anyways, nothing more to add really. I'm pretty happy with this haul of cards to add to my collection. In the future I definitely want to try opening more booster packs from the third wave of Pokémon cards, if only they were easier to come across and cheaper!
Oh well.
Until then, look forward to the blog of the next set of booster packs I've opened! I'll try to post and upload the video tomorrow!

See you guys soon.

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