Friday, October 11, 2013

Team Plasma Box - Lovely Box of Villainy

Hi all!

Amateur Collector here and today I'v opened this wonderful little piece of Pokémon TCG merchandise; the Team Plasma Box.
I won it in a bid at £7.50 from a seller on ebay, plus £2.30 for postage. Altogether that makes £9.80, not at all bad when you consider it goes for £17.99 at retail (at least from what I can tell from the GAME store price label still stuck on to it, which is where I assume the seller originally got the box from.)
For that cheap price I got 3 booster packs, two promotional cards, a Team Plasma coin and a jumbo card. My first jumbo card ever, in fact!
Click here to watch the video of me opening this box up.

And here's the contents, promotional items first then booster pack contents:

First off, the two promotional cards: both Plasma Pokémon, both full arts. There's the fierce BW74 Giratina and the sinister BW73 Darkrai. Both these cards are beautiful with the lightning effect in the back and the "finger print" pattern covering them like full art cards from regular sets do. The box also came with a nice coin for the game with the Team Plasma logo on it.

And here we have the jumbo card. It's a reprint of the same Darkrai card that already comes with the box, which I put next to it to show the size difference. It's fully glossed which is nice, but doesn't have the 'finger print' pattern it's smaller counterpart does.

Here's the contents of the booster packs: a rare Staraptor from Plasma Freeze, a rare Team Plasma's Giratina from Plasma Storm, a rare Escavalier from Noble Victories, a reverse-holo Team Plasma's Druddigon from Plasma Storm and a reverse-holo Kyrurem from Noble Victories.

So as you can see, although I got no holos I did get a large number of rares, all of which I still needed. My favourite out of the lot will have to be the Team Plasma's Giratina, I found it very fitting I should get one in the Team Plasma Box. I'm also happy with all the promotional cards this box provided, especially the jumbo card even though it got rather warped in the box (nothing that can't be fixed by sticking it in-between some heavy books.)

So with a smile on my face I end the update here.
Thanks for reading/watching and see you in the next adventure log!

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