Tuesday, October 08, 2013

10 x B&W Series Booster Packs - No Thrills (part 1 & 2)

Hi all!

Amateur Collector here and I'm continuing with my adventure. Like all great journeys there are occasional lulls that occur along the route, not everyday can be a jam packed adventure full of excitement. Today's adventure is such an occurrence. I wouldn't mind so much but sadly this happened for an adventure I was hoping would be full of energy and excitement. The plan was to open up 10 booster packs from various Black & White series for two videos. I did not expect great cards necessarily but at least a small handful of holographics. Sadly as you will see, this did not happen. This is possibly due to the source of where I bought these booster packs: ebay. I have had some good luck with ebay purchases but this turned out not to be one of them as you will see.
Click here to see the video - part 1.
Click here for part 2.

For the video I opened up five booster packs, four of which were from Boundaries Crossed and one of which was Plasma Freeze and in the second I opened up three Dragons Exalted and two Black & White booster packs.

I was very hopeful that with 10 booster packs there'd be some decent ratio for a holographic and for the first five packs I was very lucky with the amount of rare reverse-holos I got; see yourselvest:

First five booster packs (Boundaries Crossed and Plasma Freeze)
I got no holographics. Thankfully these are all cards I still needed naturally, but it would have been exciting to have gotten at least one holo. But hey, look at the artwork on these cards, they are really nice, especially the Toxicroak who looks very dynamic. 

Also can't complain too much since in four of these five packs I got rare reverse-holos!
Pretty happy I got a Plasma's Metagross and two Meloetta. Just wish that at least one of those Meleotta would have been a normal holo.

At this point I was happy with the pulls I got which are quite impressive in terms of quantity (also bizarrely a lot of Psychic types). But I'd soon find out that this small piece of luck was going to run out. As you can probably guess by now, the cards were weighed. It became obvious after opening up the remaining five packs:
From Dragons Exalted and Black & White
No holographics at all. Not even any rare reverse holgraphics. Although these are cards I don't have it is still sad that I only got normal rares, especially considering how expensive booster packs are nowadays.

I may be jumping the gun a bit by saying these packs were weighed, perhaps I just have very bad luck (it's possible!) but considering I got them from ebay I can't rule out that possibility. Oh well, live and learn. I still ended up with a bunch of cards I needed and you guys got some videos. I'm just sorry it wasn't more of a thrill to watch than I'd hoped for you guys.

Hopefully the next adventure will yield some better results and will make for better entertainment. Stay tuned to see what it is!!


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