Sunday, October 20, 2013

7 x Plasma Blast Booster Packs - Disappointment

Hi all!

The Amateur Collector here and today I've opened seven loose booster packs from the Plasma Blast set.

As you can probably tell from the title to this blog, this wasn't the greatest of my adventures so far, in fact probably the worst. If you're still interested in seeing what I got watch the video here or keep reading on this post.
I bought these booster packs on ebay for £16.50, a really good price, but unsurprisingly they were weighed. Now to be honest I can't be that mad, they were cheap and I still got a bunch of cards I didn't have, but I just hate that people could be so dishonest. It also means having to spend more in the future to be able to get holos/ultra rares.

Oh well, here's what I got!

Here are all the rare cards I got. I scanned six of them because I got Reuniclus as a double.

Thankfully to make up for the lack of holos I got two rare reverse-holos. I'm particularly fond of the Haxorus. Dragon Types look really good in reverse-holo.

And that's it, I think all that needed saying has been said for today's adventure. I'll reiterate what I said in a past post, I'm going to avoid buying loose booster packs off ebay from now on, it's just not worth it. 
See you guys next time! 

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