Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Plasma Storm Promotional Blister Pack (Drifblim) - Back in Action

Hi all!

Amateur Collector here and after a small leave of absence I'm back to continue my Pokémon TCG Opening Adventures. During that time I didn't blog I was having another adventure abroad, one which resulted in some nice little collectable treasures being found of which I'll speak more of in another blog post.
For now the adventure is opening a promotional blister pack! This is one of three promotional blister packs I purchased at Card Team and will be opening at various times throughout the journey. For today's adventure I chose the Plasma Storm Blister Pack with promotional Drifblim card (video here). This pack contained 2 loose cards, a sample pack for Plasma Storm and an actual Plasma Storm booster pack. Here's the swag I got from this blister pack:
The two cards you get loose in the blister pack are a Drifloon from the Dragons Exalted set, it is a non-promotional card. The other is a rather happy looking Drifblim BW64 Black Star Promo. The last card you see on the end there is the rare card I got in the booster pack; a Plasma's Druddigon.
I won't bother showing what I got in the sample pack since, well, they're not worth showing! (though in having said that, I did get cards I needed for the set from it).
Overall not a bad blister pack, I'm happy to have gotten the promo card and quite a few cards I didn't have (rare, uncommons and commons).

Next I'll be uploading old videos I pre-recorded to upload during my time abroad but never got to and I'll be blogging about the stuff I bought during that time too. So look forward to those!

Till next time.

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