Saturday, January 17, 2015

Pokémon TCG Opening Adventures 2: Eevee - Legendary Treasures Triple Blister Pack

Hi all!

The Amateur Collector here with my first episode of PTCGOpA season 2!!

First off, a little explanation of the format for this adventure. Each episode I will randomly choose a product to open from a raffle that has the names to all the merchandise I have to open. This way it guarantees that each adventure will be unpredictable and varied. It's more fun that way!
I will film a few openings in one go due to time restraints in real life, but I'll upload the opening individually throughout the months (I'll aim for about 2 to 3 videos a week), this way there will be a steady stream of videos for PTCGOpA 2 for a long while, even if I end up going to live abroad again!

So with that little explanation out of the way, lets get cracking.

We start off this adventure with none other than the Eevee Legendary Treasures Blister Pack (rather apt considering Eevee can sometimes be a starter Pokémon!)

This Eevee was purchased at for £8.95 last year. I think the Eevee blister pack is still available, but prices for blister packs overall have since risen on the website.

If you'd like to check out the blister pack opening without any spoilers, avoid scrolling down and just click here instead for the video.

Now then, here is what I had to open:

This blister pack contained 3 booster packs, a coin and of course the Eevee promotional card

Eevee promo card BW97 with the Zekrom/Reshiram coin.

Here is what I got in the booster packs:

Three rare cards; Gallade, Toxicroak and Empoleon. And one Zapdos reverse-holo (ordinarily a holographic card).

I did manage to get one holographic card. This Samurott, looking really cool with its battle stance.

Now Legendary Treasures has a bit of a quirk you see. Not only do you get ordinary cards and reverse holos, but you also get two cards that are part of a subset known as Radiant Collection. There are 25 of them to collect, some of them even EXs and Full Arts. All the RC cards I got in these packs were commons and uncommons, but the chances of pulling an "Ultra Rare" is actually quite high for this subset. Anyways, here is a look at the RC cards I pulled:

Each card has a special holographic foil going across the whole card. Check out the video for this pack opening to see the foil in better detail.

So this was a great opening for  the first episode of the adventure. I got 5 rares out of 3 booster packs, that's a good ratio! My favourites so far have to be the RC Serperior and the rare Toxicroak (it just looks so cool).
I look forward to opening more Legendary Treasures booster packs, this is a great set for collectors with lots of unique artwork, a cool subset and a high chance to get Ultra Rare cards. I admit I have to learn the shuffling trick for this pack though, it's different to all the other BW sets so far and I got very easily muddled up haha.

I would like to apologise for the quality of these pictures, sadly my scanner is currently not functional, so we're gonna have to make do with photo pictures instead!

Thanks for reading! Feel free to follow me, to leave a comment and/or to check out my youtube channel.

See you next time!

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