Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Blog Start!

Hi all!

I'm the Amateur Collector and this is my blog.
I'm a self confessed geek and have an interest in most things related to fandom. This includes but is not limited to games, sci-fi, animation, toys and collectables, comics and more.

I'm just an average person in real life with little time and disposable income. But I decided despite of that I should still follow my hobbies and interests, even if I only get to delve into them from time to time. And so, I have started to this blog to chronicle and share in my (albeit slowly) growing collection of stuff, and I have a little project to start this going which I'll post in my next blog update- straight after this one!

For now, don't hesitate to follow if you're interested in geek-related paraphernalia and are curious to see what kind of things I'll be putting up!

Till next time!

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