Saturday, September 14, 2013

Shining Palkia + Legend of Korra

Hi all!

The Amateur Collector here, and in case the title for this post wasn't clear enough, I'm going to do a quick update on two things I've recently done: downloaded the event Pokémon Shing Palkia for my 5th Gen games and watched the premiere of Legend of Korra: Book 2 - Spirits.

The first is fairly simple, in a lot of countries now there is currently a download event going on for 5th Gen Pokémon games (Black, White, Black2, White2) where you can download the legendary Sinnoh Pokémon Palkia, as a shiny! It's what I did today by going down to a GAME shop (in the UK). For everyone else, I suggest you go over to and check their Event Database to see where you can download this critter in your home country (hurry up though, it's only going for about 2 weeks, maybe less in some countries, after that is a different event which I'll mention when it starts).

Secondly, the season 2 premiere of Legend of Korra was on yesterday and I'm sure that you've all checked it out already. If not, WHAT? WHY NOT?! GO NOW!
Seriously though, it is one of the better animated series to have come out in a very long time and it's hard not to fall in love with it immediately (along with its parent show Avatar: The Last Airbender). I was very happy that LOK was renewed for a second season after the first one had finished because I truly feel it was a strong and successful sequel to ATLA, and although I could have lived with it being a one off I really can't complain with the decision to continue it either.
So, was the start to Book 2 - Spirits any good? Hells yes.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying there weren't any flaws. The animation looked sub-par in certain areas and the flow of the story was somewhat choppy. But I'll give them a pass for that because once the action started it looked so beautiful. Clearly that's where a lot of the budget went and I'm glad it did. As for the story and how it flowed, I guess they're going to try to cram in as much stuff as possible into each episode which is not surprising since they only have 14 episodes to tell that story and develop the characters in. I have a feeling they will fall slightly short on this like they did in the first season, but if that's the only problem then I can live with that. Considering the subject matter and world building I think it's amazing they even manage to do as good as they did in season 1, so I won't hold it against them in the least.

Anywho, the episodes ended on a good cliffhanger and I can kinda guess the direction this series' socio-political subject matter is going to go in, so I'm very eager for next week's episode.

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