The Amateur Collector here, continuing my Pokémon TCG Opening Adventures!
This adventure we open up the Lucario blister pack for the Plasma Blast extension. I bought it along with the Genesect blister pack for £17.45 from Chaos Cards.
This cool looking pack comes with one promotional card, a coin and three Plasma Blast booster packs.
As usual, click here to check out the video opening of this blister pack or simply scroll down to see what pulls I got in more details. Or do both. Your choice really! =D
Lets start off with the promotional card you are guaranteed to get... providing you choose the Lucario pack of course... Lucario!
It's number BW85 of the BW Black Star Collection set.
I got four pulls out of the three booster packs. The least interesting of which is this Reuniclus.
I have about three of these already, so another one was not really welcomed! (something I hate saying because I try to appreciate all cards for their artwork and collectibility)
I got two holographic cards. The Machamp I have already, but it looks really cool so I don't mind a second one.
I also got this lovely Blastoise. I LOVE the artwork on this one. The soft light blue colouring, the cool pose that highlights dinosaurian features, the splashes of water everywhere and that soft looking textured skin that makes it seem like a vinyl toy. I've wanted this one for so long and now I have it!
The Blastoise made me very happy, but arguably the best pull was this ace spec card!
For the uninitiated, ace specs are ultra rare Trainer cards that are very powerful, so much so that you can only have one in a deck. They are a short lived mechanic in the TCG scene, but look visually very striking. I quite enjoy them for that reason.
So yeah, an overall very good opening. I may own half of these cards already, but the ones I didn't have more than make up for the others.
Guys and girls, thanks for watching/reading! Stay tuned for my next adventure!
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